Feb 13, 2012

A Lesson

Hi I'm Lisa,
I'd like to invite all of you discovering yourselves and others through nature, love and higher emotional states to share thoughts, images, jokes and or remarkable experiences. Please keep it snappy concise and clean...

Here's my first: many years ago when I bar tended in Ridgewwod New York, I met and fell in love with my husband. One day before marrying him this neighborhood lady, a customer's mother came in for a cup of coffee. What she said next changed my view of her completely (I used to think little of both of them, they were "dumb people" they could never teach me anything!) When I brought her order she asked me if it was true that I was getting married, as I said yes, she replied: "don't do it! Remember while a single woman all men are yours, once married...only one, and sometimes not even that!!

I married my husband and soon after I realized that the "dumb" woman was right! At least in some ways...

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